AI Based Oil and Gas Exxploration

AI Based Optimized Oil & Gas Exploration

AI Based Optimized Oil & Gas Exploration In recent years, the “hard-to-recover” oil and gas fields, whether new or old ones have dominated the Oil and Gas industry landscape. Many newly discovered fields are located in harsh environments, like the arctic, or deep below seawater, or they are of complex geometry and with poor permeability. …

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Autonomous Traffic Scheduling - WhatNext

How AI can transform Autonomous Traffic Scheduling

How AI Can Transform Autonomous Traffic Scheduling In the wake of urbanization, the world is observing a continuous increase in the growth of population. The growing need for transportation increases vehicle traffic, including cargo businesses. Despite its importance, transportation faces acute challenges to address constant congestion and poor traffic control management with the legacy infrastructures. …

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AI to reduce carbon emission - Whatnext

AI to Reduce Carbon Emission in Oil and Gas Industry The oil and gas industry is being subjected to increasing pressure from consumers, investors, and regulators alike to abate its CO2 emissions. While the task is not easy, Artificial Intelligence can play an important role in the process. Calls for Greener Oil and Gas On 22nd April 2016, 174 countries and the European Union …

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Telematics-based Smart Insurance for Aerospace Industry - Whatnext -expert consulting

Telematics-based Smart Insurance for the Aerospace Industry

In a world where smart technologies are used in all areas and fields around the globe, insurance companies are adopting smart insurance practices by using telematics. Real-time telematics and artificial intelligence are incorporated in aerospace vehicles to keep track of their activities. The telematics devices record data such as average speed or flight habits and …

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Automotive Manufacturing-WhatNext-technology experts

Preventive and Predictive Maintenance in Automotive Manufacturing Plants

The demand for vehicles has increased almost exponentially over the past thirty years placing more emphasis on efficient manufacturing techniques whilst increasing production throughput. Until recently, preventive maintenance has been adopted to ensure minimal downtime and maximum efficiency. However, due to the complexity of modern vehicles, automotive industry is tending towards adopting predictive maintenance within …

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Automotive Manufcturing-WhatNext-industry experts

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance in Paint Shops in Automotive Manufacturing Plants

Approximately one-third of the time taken to produce a vehicle is spent in the paint shop. Traditional manual and automated processes of paint application involve large numbers of steps with the final paint finish undergoing both automated and manual inspections. However, even with thorough inspections, it is estimated that 40% of the cars that exit …

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Autonomy in Robotics-WhatNext

Autonomy in Robotics

Many of us are likely to work alongside a robot in the near future. But what does the future hold for robotics?. Robotics is an amalgamation of many core technologies. One such technology is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is enabling robots to match human capabilities, and in many cases, even surpass them. Boston Dynamics’ work …

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Collaborative Robots in Automotive Manufacturing - WhatNext

Collaborative Robots in Automotive Manufacturing

Robots are being used in the automotive industry ever since the 1960s. But recently there has been much talk about Cobots or collaborative robots. So, what are Cobots? How are they different to the older generation of industrial robots? How are they relevant to the changing face of automotive manufacturing? Challenges with earlier generation of …

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