Watching the Contagion with AI WhatNext

Watching the Contagion with AI: Applications in Epidemiology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable transformative technologies of the decade. It has improved productivity in the healthcare sector and made advancements in precision community health and digital epidemiology. Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease health and disease present in a particular population. Public health policies, …

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AI and Renewable Resources - WhatNext

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Renewable Resources

Renewable resources are one of the key ways to meet the demand for energy while not destroying the planet. They are literally any energy source that renews itself at a rate that is equal to or faster than it is spent. What is helping scientists, engineers, and environmentalists around the world harness these resources more …

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Watchful eyes of AI -WhatNext

Watchful eyes of Artificial Intelligence – Healthcare Data Security using AI

Cybercrime is an inevitable consequence of digitalization. It is a growing threat to all sectors, including health care. Contamination and loss of healthcare data is a prime concern, and in fact, data security in healthcare is considered as valuable as one’s bank details or even more. There is not enough staff in many organizations to …

Watchful eyes of Artificial Intelligence – Healthcare Data Security using AI Read More »

AI-enabled evolution - WhatNext

Evolution of the Humble Stethoscope – AI-enabled evolution

When we think of a doctor, most probably the first image that coming to our mind is a Stethoscope, the device derives its origin from two Greek words, “stethos” (chest) and scopos (examination). It’s is used to ‘auscultate’ that enables the physician to identify specific sounds within the body such as the lungs, heart, other …

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Smart Prosthetics: Use of AI and IoT in Prosthetics

Smart Prosthetics: Use of AI and IoT in Prosthetics

Research in the field of smart prosthetics has come a long way in the last few years, thanks to the developments in the field of digital healthcare technology and the Internet of Medical Things. Breakthrough in AI and Robotics has led to revolutionary physical rehab devices such as mind-controlled prosthesis, and exoskeletons. When AI is …

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AI in Microgrids - WhatNext

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Microgrids

The concept of microgrids is appealing. Intelligent independent energy that is oftentimes associated with renewable resources making a difference to local people. There are of course drawbacks, usually the cost, but with the help of government grants and the newest breakthroughs in AI technology microgrids are becoming more accessible. So what is a microgrid and …

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AI to Remove Food Allergy - WhatNext

Synthetic Biology and AI to Remove Food Allergy

Allergies are increasingly common pathologies in human society. In the past, it was believed that they were due to an exaggerated reaction of the immune system to a specific antigen or a hypersensitive reaction. Today we know that it is actually the harmlessness of the external agent that leads to pathogenesis, paradoxically. In fact, there …

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