energy storage

Silicon Nanoparticle - WhatNext

Key Factors that affect the Lithiation of Silicon Nanoparticle-based Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Conventional lithium-ion batteries with graphite anodes are approaching their theoretical maximum in terms of energy density. To overcome this, replacing the standard graphite anodes with high-capacity silicon-based anodes is one of the most promising ways to greatly boost the energy density of lithium-ion batteries. However, the enormous volume expansion that silicon-based materials naturally undergo after …

Key Factors that affect the Lithiation of Silicon Nanoparticle-based Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries Read More »

Microgrids - WhatNext

Achieving a Sustainable, Reliable, and Clean Grid through the Use of Microgrids

Microgrids are playing a critical role in the evolving power networks all across the globe. Microgrids can support existing grid infrastructure and, at the same time, add value by ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity, renewable energy integration, efficient energy balancing, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The model of microgrids is successfully implemented …

Achieving a Sustainable, Reliable, and Clean Grid through the Use of Microgrids Read More »

Solar Energy - WhatNext

Challenges Associated with the Intermittent Nature of Solar Energy for Integration onto the Grid

Over the past two decades, world leaders and scientists have made tremendous efforts to improve energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions while meeting rising energy demand. Their initiatives have increased the demand and proliferation for the widespread integration of renewable energy sources into the current electrical grids. Due to the intermittent nature of the …

Challenges Associated with the Intermittent Nature of Solar Energy for Integration onto the Grid Read More »

Hydrogen Storage - WhatNext

Additives for improving hydrogen storage in magnesium hydride

While accomplishing the global market usage of hydrogen requires addressing numerous concerns, such as hydrogen production, transportation, and application, the primary constraint on the growth of a hydrogen-based energy ecosystem lies in the nonexistence of a perfect hydrogen storage material. Magnesium hydride is very promising among several hydrogen-storage materials because of its high hydrogen capacity, low …

Additives for improving hydrogen storage in magnesium hydride Read More »

Sector Coupling - WhatNext

Sector coupling’s effect on the market price of renewable energy

A crucial effort for the future decades will be to decarbonize the energy supply by switching out fossil fuels for renewable energy sources to meet climate protection goals. When determining future financing requirements, knowing the potential growth and commercial viability of renewable energy sources in the power industry is critical. However, as variable renewable energy …

Sector coupling’s effect on the market price of renewable energy Read More »

Hydrogen Production -WhatNext

Proton reduction for hydrogen production in artificial photosynthesis

Hydrogen production in artificial photosynthesis In recent years, many studies have reported various heterogeneous and homogeneous molecular systems for hydrogen evolution based on transition metal complexes.  Many of these systems that sometimes exhibit high turnover (TON) and efficiency for hydrogen production only operate in organic or aqueous-organic media (5-50% H2O). Moreover, molecular systems working in pure …

Proton reduction for hydrogen production in artificial photosynthesis Read More »

Lithium Air Batteries - WhatNext

Aluminium-air Batteries and Lithium-air Batteries for EVs: A Comparison

Lithium-Air Batteries for EVs Lithium-air batteries (LABs) reduce oxygen from the air at the cathode and oxidises lithium metal at the anode to produce a current flow during discharge. The lithium-air battery can obtain oxygen from the air externally, removing the need for internal storage. This results in a higher energy density compared to that of …

Aluminium-air Batteries and Lithium-air Batteries for EVs: A Comparison Read More »

Compressed air energy storage - Whatnext - sustainbility experts

Compressed air energy storage (CAES) – Current state and future directions

A balance of supply and demand of electricity is essential to keep the grid supply running. With the advent of small-scale energy production units, especially renewable power and intermittent power supplies like solar and wind power systems, compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems are brought into the limelight to balance supply and demand in the …

Compressed air energy storage (CAES) – Current state and future directions Read More »

Comparing diabatic and adiabatic compressed air energy- whatnext - energy futurists

Comparing diabatic and adiabatic compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems

Compressed air energy storage systems use compressed air as a medium for storing energy during off-peak times and generating energy during peak hours. The CAES system utilizes electricity during off-peak times to drive the air compressor for air compression. Also, the electricity is used to store the compressed air in underground caverns. CAES systems are …

Comparing diabatic and adiabatic compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems Read More »

Electrical Energy Storage - WhatNext

Electrical Energy Storage using Synthetic Biology – Is there Potential?

With the rise of renewable energy, the world faces a new problem to solve. During the years of the fossil fuel monopoly, energy storage was not a problem, since nature itself was responsible for providing these deposits. In contrast, the strategy to be followed with most renewable energies is different: the aim is to capture …

Electrical Energy Storage using Synthetic Biology – Is there Potential? Read More »