
Fog Computing - WhatNext

Leveraging Fog Compute Ecosystems for Robust Connectivity in MaaS Technologies

Fog Computing for Secure MaaS Implementation Fog Computing: The pressure on transportation systems in urban and rural areas is rising as a result of rising consumer demand. Furthermore, governments and private sector transportation providers are facing new challenges as a result of population growth, rising urbanisation, and rising customer expectations with travel time and overcrowding …

Leveraging Fog Compute Ecosystems for Robust Connectivity in MaaS Technologies Read More »

Cyber Security - WhatNext

Cybersecurity in the MaaS Ecosystem

The Transformation of the Automotive Sector Cybersecurity in the MaaS Ecosystem: The automotive sector is going through an unprecedented radical transformation involving digitalisation, the Internet of Things (IoT), urbanisation, and autonomous technology. These technological trends are completely disrupting business models and reshaping this sector. There are currently three interconnected processes: 1.) New servicing options are …

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Public-private partnership-whatNext-mobility experts

Significance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Networks for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Ecosystems

Commercial and private mobility is being disrupted by several trends such as mobility service offerings, improvements in sustainability, and digitalisation. New mobility concepts are intended to contribute towards low-carbon mobility whilst also providing customer-focused services. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new concept that merges multi-modal transportation services into a single point of contact …

Significance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Networks for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Ecosystems Read More »

Mobility as a service (mass)-WhatNext-start up network

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Rural Areas and the Importance of Public-Private-People-Partnership (PPPP) Networks in its Implementation

Long distances and narrow flows of people and material, as well as tightening budgetary constraints, make it difficult to implement Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in rural areas. In this respect, Public-Private-People Partnerships (PPPP) must be formed using stakeholders from businesses, the public sector, and individuals to improve mobility services if rural MaaS is to …

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Rural Areas and the Importance of Public-Private-People-Partnership (PPPP) Networks in its Implementation Read More »