Month: September 2022

Telematics-based Smart Insurance for Aerospace Industry - Whatnext -expert consulting

Telematics-based Smart Insurance for the Aerospace Industry

In a world where smart technologies are used in all areas and fields around the globe, insurance companies are adopting smart insurance practices by using telematics. Real-time telematics and artificial intelligence are incorporated in aerospace vehicles to keep track of their activities. The telematics devices record data such as average speed or flight habits and …

Telematics-based Smart Insurance for the Aerospace Industry Read More »

perovskite-based soalr cells - Whatnext - energy innovation experts

Structural design challenges affecting the achievement of high efficiency in perovskite-based solar cells

The development of perovskite-based solar cells has witnessed significant improvements over the past two decades. This development has triggered more research to increase the power conversion efficiency (PCE) to 25%, thus increasing the photovoltaic performance of perovskite solar cells. The development of solid-state perovskite solar cells began in 2012. Ever since, researchers have continued to …

Structural design challenges affecting the achievement of high efficiency in perovskite-based solar cells Read More »

Public-private partnership-whatNext-mobility experts

Significance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Networks for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Ecosystems

Commercial and private mobility is being disrupted by several trends such as mobility service offerings, improvements in sustainability, and digitalisation. New mobility concepts are intended to contribute towards low-carbon mobility whilst also providing customer-focused services. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a new concept that merges multi-modal transportation services into a single point of contact …

Significance of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Networks for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Ecosystems Read More »

Automotive Manufacturing-WhatNext-technology experts

Preventive and Predictive Maintenance in Automotive Manufacturing Plants

The demand for vehicles has increased almost exponentially over the past thirty years placing more emphasis on efficient manufacturing techniques whilst increasing production throughput. Until recently, preventive maintenance has been adopted to ensure minimal downtime and maximum efficiency. However, due to the complexity of modern vehicles, automotive industry is tending towards adopting predictive maintenance within …

Preventive and Predictive Maintenance in Automotive Manufacturing Plants Read More »

Aerospace manufacturing-WhatNext-future of energy

Predictive asset maintenance in aerospace manufacturing plants

Asset maintenance in aircraft manufacturing plants ensures that the assets are in a safe and operative condition. The asset maintenance is carried out at regular intervals and the checks that are performed depend on the type of maintenance that is required. Predictive maintenance is a process that prevents equipment failures by detecting and repairing problems …

Predictive asset maintenance in aerospace manufacturing plants Read More »

Automotive Manufcturing-WhatNext-industry experts

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance in Paint Shops in Automotive Manufacturing Plants

Approximately one-third of the time taken to produce a vehicle is spent in the paint shop. Traditional manual and automated processes of paint application involve large numbers of steps with the final paint finish undergoing both automated and manual inspections. However, even with thorough inspections, it is estimated that 40% of the cars that exit …

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance in Paint Shops in Automotive Manufacturing Plants Read More »

Batteries for the mobility-WhatNext-energy solutions

Polymer, Oxide, and Sulphide-Based Solid-State Batteries for the Mobility Sector – A Comparison

Lithium-ion batteries are prevalent in the power source market and are enjoying deeper market penetration within some of the mobility sectors, in particular micro-mobility and light to medium-duty personal and commercial vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries have relatively high energy density compared to legacy nickel-metal hydride and alkaline batteries. However, their energy density is considerably lower than …

Polymer, Oxide, and Sulphide-Based Solid-State Batteries for the Mobility Sector – A Comparison Read More »

Biofuels Production-WhatNext-exponential growth

Pathways evaluation for second-generation advanced biofuel production

Second-generation biofuels are biofuels produced from non-food-based feedstocks. These feedstocks include non-edible oils (or fats), lignocellulosic biomass and waste, and sugar and starch crop residues. The second-generation advanced liquid biofuels include bioethanol, biojet, biobutanol, bio-oil, dimethyl-ether, biomethanol, and biodiesel. Some of these advanced biofuels are characterized either by their ability to be used in existing …

Pathways evaluation for second-generation advanced biofuel production Read More »

Wireless Power transfer-WhatNext-energy futurists

Magnetic Resonance-based Long Range Wireless Power Transfer

Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is a popular technology, and the technology is being continuously advanced to keep pace with the fast-growing world. There are two types of wireless power transfer: The one that allows powering through short distances while another that enables power to be transferred over long distances. Magnetic resonance technology is a way …

Magnetic Resonance-based Long Range Wireless Power Transfer Read More »

Mobility as a service (mass)-WhatNext-start up network

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Rural Areas and the Importance of Public-Private-People-Partnership (PPPP) Networks in its Implementation

Long distances and narrow flows of people and material, as well as tightening budgetary constraints, make it difficult to implement Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in rural areas. In this respect, Public-Private-People Partnerships (PPPP) must be formed using stakeholders from businesses, the public sector, and individuals to improve mobility services if rural MaaS is to …

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Rural Areas and the Importance of Public-Private-People-Partnership (PPPP) Networks in its Implementation Read More »